Trendsenses visualizes forecasts for brands, designers or retailers that provide guidance on upcoming trends in fashion, design, artwork, color and lifestyle.

We have a keen sense on future trends to help you make confident choices in design- and product development.


Our carefully curated interpretations of macro trends provide you with insightful, guiding predictions of the emerging trends in consumer behavior, fashion must-haves, key-trends, prints, fabrics, design and color.


With our long-term vision, we investigate how trends develop from season to season, based on a cradle-to-cradle idea, in which reusability and innovation are paramount. We are happy to help you on your way to a future in which growth equals reuse.


With our trend vision, we provide a clear and visually appealing analysis of emerging trends that will shape your design projects in the long run. We interpret global trends to help you understand what will shape your business in the years to come. We create visual reports with color, print and design direction trends. For each desired discipline, we summarize themes such as fashion, toys, textiles, shoes, activewear, stationery, accessories, etc.


With our six-monthly Trend-Sessions we present our seasonal forecasts.
These are real-life presentations that are on average 4 hours long, usually followed by a brain-storm session to reflect on how what has been seen and heard can be translated/implemented in your company. We present the main trend stories for the season with inspiring mood boards, key prints and color palettes, materials and details.


Our color analyzes stem from our passion for creating careful and intuitive visual inspiration in the form of captivating images along with the necessary Pantone color information. These color predictions can be applied to multiple markets and categories. We provide a comprehensive overview of the main overarching color directions and key applications with the matching color palettes and must-have colors, so you get a well-informed overview of the season.


Every season we help you make sense of the runway messages. Our seasonal forecasts present the most important trends of each season and give you insight into your seasonal development. We analyze each runway collection and identify what we believe to be the best shows. With a focus on colour, print and pattern, we put together a report each season that lists the key design pieces, patterns, accessories and materials that will guide your design development and purchasing strategies for the coming season.

Featured Trend Moodboards

The Trend Reports you see here are specifically curated for the (young) womenswear market. They provide a directional insight on the upcoming season, now focusing on 2023.

Trendenses runs on chocolate 

Trend Moodboards

With our Trend Moodboards we as design enthusiasts want to inspire other design enthusiasts.
We believe in a transparant approach of visual forecasting. Check Instagram and Pinterest. Our Trend Moodboards are seasonal core trends with their own aesthetics. They fit into the macro trends of the coming season.

Trend Forecasting

Directional & inspirational, our seminars curate an insightful forecast of the upcoming trends on consumer behavior, fashion, fabric, interior, lifestyle, design and colour. With strong visuals and macro economic content we provide a directional insight on the upcoming season, narrowing down to the key season-specific directions and topics.

Trendsenses Studio

Trendsenses Studio is an allround design studio for fashion & print design with a sustainable and ethical approach, located in Utrecht-The Netherlands and Normandy-France. Quality, beauty and full attention for your company, that's what you'll find in the Trendsenses Studio, establishing seasonal concepts with cohesion in style, artwork, fabric and colour. 

Follow Trendsenses on Instagram